We’d been working on the book over a period of several years, so there was no doubt its entrance would be a euphoric moment of affirmation of all the hard work and sacrifice. The culmination of our pouring out of heart and soul alone would make this so.
That’s what I was focusing on. I didn’t see the rest of the fruits that would come.
When the idea was first proposed that a book trailer be made in association with our book, “Redeemed by Grace,” I loved it, but there was no guarantee it actually would come to pass.
In one of our early marketing planning meetings, it came up again, and a few of us voiced our hope for it. “Sounds like a great idea,” we said, and then left it in the hands of the publisher and marketing firm.
And then, not long ago, the link arrived in our inboxes. The trailer had been done, but not only that, they’d used the song; the song that Ramona, the author, and her daughter had written together, and that her daughter had performed.
Can I admit something? I cried when I heard it. I cried because Lorena has a beautiful voice, but also, because I know a little about what this song means to Ramona, and to me, too.
I have so much more to share about our book, and about the song. I’ll be sharing the whole story soon. But for now, still just glimpses, because it’s a thing that’s so special, it must be savored and presented in just the right away. It must be shared long and slow.
I promise you this. If you have a tender heart like I do, hearing about it will bless you.
For now, just watch and listen. Make sure to let me know what you think. And if you feel up to it, do us the honor of sharing it around. The book comes out soon — Feb. 17. It’s actually available for pre-order now. My mom got her box of books in the mail this week.
We feel the message we are sharing is important for many different reasons. But the biggest is that it’s a story of a soul; a soul that was transformed by love. Is there anything more precious than that?
Q4U: What do you think of the idea of pairing a book launch with a song?
I think the more areas of the arts that can work together, the better. I love book trailers. This one will quickly grab the attention of the intended audience. Congrats, Roxane!
Mary, yes, I agree. The music element is so exciting to me. I think becomes it combines two of my passions in one shot. Music and story. I knew you’d get it! Thanks for your thoughts friend. And for your kind words!