Okay, so I don’t really have ants in my pants. It’s really a cross between ants and butterflies. Let’s just say if I weren’t somewhat restrained by logic and good sense, I’d be jumping out of my seat right about now!
Today’s the day my book proposal will make its first move out into the big world to see whether the rest of the world is ready for it. I won’t have a full update until tomorrow, so I’m planning a special Part II to share more when I know more. But at the very least, I thought I would quell my raw nerves by writing what I’m experiencing right now. That’s what writers do, after all, as you all know. When we have extra energy, thoughts, emotions, we put them to paper! It’s cathartic to us, and hopefully brings something of value to others, too.
So here’s the skinny: at 2 p.m. today (CST), a group of editors will gather hundreds of miles from where I sit to hear one of them (my advocate in this project) make the case for the book idea we’ve been tossing about the past several months. I’m excited and feel positive about things, but of course, nothing is ever certain until that contract appears and is signed.
Perhaps most important of all in this is that I have risked sharing bits of this journey publicly in order to garner prayer support, and you have come through for me. I need to thank you for that regardless of how this turns out. For example, my dear spiritual mentor, Linda, told me she will be at Mass today at the appointed hour, and that my project will be foremost on her mind. My friend Donna-Marie shared today that she brought my project before God in prayer on Friday in a very intense way. And just a few minutes ago, my best writer-mama-pal Mary wrote this in an email: Cool! Tick, tick, tick….watching the clock with you!
It’s a wonderful feeling knowing I’m not in this alone. And I’ve assured my editor of the same. I’ve got my writer friends, family, and spiritual warriors all holding this up in prayer, not to mention the one who would be the main subject of the book. As I hope to share soon, her pull in this is both vital and powerful.
Perhaps the most comforting thought of all is that God already knows the outcome, as well as what I and others need through this project. If it is indeed part of His will, if good will come of it, it will happen. I’ve handed it over to Him in a huge way, and through that, I know that however it turns out will be what’s best.
Peace be with you all, and I’ll be back at some point tomorrow with an update, hopefully!
Q4U: What have you been waiting on lately?
I will add my prayers to the voices already working on your behalf. Good luck, Roxane! ๐
Thanks for the connection. It’s like the clock on the 60 minutes show. It’s getting louder, isn’t it? I also read your post for Clara. It didn’t connect to her site, though, and I know she’s in transition. Just wanted to say, good job, on that too!
I wish time would fly for you, but I’m praying for a fantastic outcome and looking forward to more details. Best to you!
OH, how exciting…bugs and all! Prayers being sent your way and can’t wait for the post tomorrow!
I’m here for you! Prayers going up.
This is exciting despite the bugs! Hoping you get the outcome you want. Prayers for you!
That is a comforting thought, isn’t it?
Still, I had butterflies for you today! Was praying off and on from 2-3 pm CST. And though I know you’re seeking God’s will, whatever it may be, I couldn’t help but throw up a few biased prayers, asking that the team reviewing your work recognize all you have to offer.
Glad there will be a follow-up post tomorrow. (It is Wednesday, after all.)
Thanks gals! You’re the best!:)
Sounds most exciting, wish the very best.
Thanks for the heads up! Sorry I’m a little late in getting over here to read about your news! Hope that it went well! ๐
I’m a nerd – I keep checking like you are going to know something early – yeah right. Still, I’m just so excited about the whole thing ๐ Praying for God’s will to be CLEAR! Sometimes that is the best thing!
Ah, Holly, Jody and PV, thanks for thinking of me! Holly, you’re funny. My husband keeps asking too. I never expected an answer today so have not gotten my hopes up at all for an early answer. Alas, it’s nearly midnight and no phone calls. Eventually, news will come. ๐
Good luck, Roxane. My prayers are with you as well.
Karin Larson