Have you ever been moving along a certain path, one fairly cut and dry, when suddenly the wind shifted unexpectedly? And when you looked up at the signs guiding you through your life you noticed a new arrow? And not just any arrow but one with blinking lights flashing the words: THIS WAY, SILLY!?
It’s not that the journey until that point had been wrong, but something new had presented itself — something you hadn’t exactly foreseen. And really, it made so much sense, looking back at other steps along the way. You’d been heading in this direction all along; it had just taken you a while to realize it.
As you’ve guessed by now, I’m sure, this has happened to me recently and it’s been quite a revelation. I was cruising along in my life as a freelance writer, working on a few other larger projects besides, thinking I was moving over here, when in fact, I was meant to be over there. Not that there’s anything wrong with here. In fact, here might very well be a place to which I’ll return at some point; in fact, it’s likely. But for now, there are so many forces drawing me to there and there is a very exciting place to be!
Next week I’m going to share more of the details of what there is, and what some of the next steps toward getting fully entrenched in there will entail. For now, let me just say that doors have been opening at a rapid rate, and I’m growing more aware that I’ll be more messenger than creator in this latest possible venture. Yes, I can be creative in sharing this particular message, but it’s not really about me. That said, I’m thrilled at the chance to be the carrier of it.
Oh, I know. I’m not being fair. I’m speaking in code. But hang with me if you would be so kind. I really do want to share more — I just can’t. Not yet. But the day is coming.
Thanks for sticking with me in these elusive days of code, and for being with me as I move more assuredly onto this exhilarating new path.
Q4U: Have you ever read the signs wrong? Was the discovery more exciting or scary?
I think we have the same life right now! Yes! I am going through this as we speak, and even though it is scary and exciting, I have a hard time sleeping at night. How in the world can this happen when I am 8 month pregnant? REally God? But as you said, sometimes we miss the signs, or think we know what they mean when really we need a few more to understand what the first one meant!
Blessings and prayers to you in this time. Can’t wait to hear more.
I like it when the signs are really big and clear. They don’t always look like that. Sometimes they’re small imprints in the earth. However, when you know the sign is for you, you feel exhilirated and peaceful and ready for the challenge of a new path. Journey on!
My experience is that if you don’t notice the signs at first, they will keep reappearing in stronger ways until you finally get it! So I’ve learned to be watchful–it’s better to go along the first time! Blessings, Roxane!
Holly, oh, a mutual coding going on. I can’t wait to hear more from you! Weeee!
Mary, you’re right, and I did miss them at first. Finally, the flashing increased and I couldn’t deny the obvious. Thanks for being there during the times of confusion.
Jane, indeed, that’s really what happened. Divine intervention is at play and was very adamant this time around. Thanks for your kind thoughts and support, even in the midst of question marks.
You’re so timely in your coded revelations Roxane
My heart is full of tickles of joy for you! I just love when a path is illuminated and culminates in a desired outcome. Can’t wait to hear when you are ready to share the rest.
My signs, have led me in a different completely foreign to me path. When you have time, steel yourself, and feel free to come and read about it. But don’t rush over if you are not ready to yet. Delight in this path of yours for a bit!
Love and blessings Roxane!
So exciting! I love the way you’ve responded to this, redirecting your steps, opening your heart and embracing your new role. Doors keep opening for good reason!
I know I speak for many when I say we are looking forward to following along.
Hugs & prayers!
Oh yes I have and then wondered why I took that direction..loved the post..wonderful direction Debb
Although you speak in code…your excitement for the plan is so evident! Many blessings on this direction for you!
ps. I thought I was reading the signs right, but now I find myself on a dead end…trusting that when I do the U-turn…God will lead me down the right path.
Can’t wait til next Wednesday to see if you reveal more of your code!
I like the code! It’s exciting. Looking forward to Wednesday.