This may be my shortest Faith Fridays post yet. But that’s okay, because it’s something I’d rather throw out there and let you ponder rather than expound on it too much myself.
I just finished the book Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Within that book, this little ditty dropped out and I had to dog-ear it. It’s from p. 143:
“Prosperity knits a man to the World. He feels that he is ‘finding his place in it,’ while really it is finding its place in him.”
Lewis really had a fabulous way of making a point. I love how he packs so much profundity into a mere couple of sentences.
I’d love for this to be more of a discussion than instructional. So let’s engage. What does this mean to you? Does it stir you like it does me?
(Pssst! That’s my Q4U for today!)
Blessings and Happy Weekend!
Oh, I love that quote! Thanks for sharing.
As they say in Britian, he’s “Spot On.” It’s expounding on the lesson about where you store up your treasures. I’d like to store up my treasures (where I invest my time, talent, and resources) in relationships. So glad I have you to invest in!
Ohhh, very profound. I keep turning it over in my mind. My first thought was that “prosperity” was a kind of material wealth, but then the second half I read to be more of a spiritual wealth. It certainly makes me want to read more. I have a feeling it would be a dog-earred, multi-colored highlighted book at the rate in which these gems occur 🙂 Happy weekend to you!
Gals, I’m glad you appreciated it. Wish I could claim it. I do love passing on a thought-provoking quote, though. I can’t imagine keeping such a gem to myself!