Well, it’s a big day for me. I’m launching my new writing blog, Peace Garden Writer. From here on out, most of my Writing Wednesdays posts will be over at this exclusively writing-oriented blog. This new blog is part of a grander vision that I’m revealing little by little, and I hope that if you are a writer or are interested in the writing life, you’ll consider stopping over there, today and on each Wednesday from this day forward. It’s still pretty bare bones in layout, but I’ll get there eventually. It takes time to build a good blog.
Thanks to all of my readers for your faithfulness. I really do appreciate you!
Debut Post on Peace Garden Writer: Top Ten Reasons to Attend a Writer’s Conference
See you at Peace Garden Writer, and if you feel inclined, leave a comment to let me know you’ve stopped by.
I’ll be back here on Friday!
I stopped by your new Peace Garden Writer blog. It’s wonderful!