Ah, it’s nice to be back! Though I continued blogging regularly through Lent, my regular readers know I changed up my schedule a bit, took a break from accepting and posting comments, laid off Facebook (except when communication was absolutely necessary) and abandoned Twitter. The world went on without me, and while at times I had to force myself to refrain from engaging in online conversations, overall, aside from missing my “peeps,” it was a very edifying experience. Thanks for your patience as I stepped away for a bit. I especially appreciate those who stayed near even when the silence felt a little like a punishment (which it wasn’t intended to be — I promise!). Several of you even took time to let me know you were still with me in the quiet, which endeared me to you all the more. Needless to say, I feel so fortunate to have such special people in my life, both IRL and online!
To try to catch up, thought I’d start my first post-Lent Mama Mondays with a little of this and that:
* The Smells and Bells of Spring:

(The following morning…) “My eyes are doing that again!!!!!”
* Head shot with a purpose: I’ve been getting such a lovely response from my friends on Facebook who’ve noticed my new profile picture. Though I have to say it’s nice to have an updated image out there, I didn’t have this taken simply because I am “all that and a bag of potato chips.” There is a purpose behind the “new” image, and I will share more soon. In fact, I’m bursting to say more right now. But…it’s not yet time. I will give you a hint though: in the near future, the writing part of Peace Garden Mama will become a separate writing blog called Peace Garden Writer. That gives you a little but there’s still more. I hope it’s enough to satisfy you for a bit. (Relentless teasing is not fair — at least that’s what I tell my kids.) The credit for this shot goes to Fargo photographer Michael Smith. I first met Michael nearly a decade ago when he did my head shot for The Area Woman Magazine, for which I am a contributing writer.

1. Allegies
2. Neighbors (we can see them again!)
3. Yard clean-up (hired it done)
4. warmer weather, less coats
5. Hope
No. 1 is allergies.
I love spring! I feel so inspired and motivated this time of year. I love sunshine, warmth, green trees, painted toenails, and lemonade. I write more in spring and summer than any other time of year, so I better take advantage of this beautiful day right now! 🙂
1. Renewal
2. Softball
3. Neighbors
4. Sandals
5. Porch
So great to be able to comment again here. Your new head is beautiful, Roxane! And I am so, so excited about what it represents. 🙂
Thanks very much for all the insightful Lenten reflections, right down to the wire with Ryan’s passing (I am praying for Lori and kids!). They were really profound.
I love the new profile picture! You look stunning.
Spring = (1)The (2)return (3)of (4)a (5)friend.
You gals are all so creative and descriptive, even with a very tight word count. You all could be children’s authors. 🙂
OH, how I missed you, even though I was still reading. Let’s get in touch next week so we can carve out some time together.
sunshine, smiles, scents, skin, super.
I’ll give you some unbiased advice (to take or leave of course). I wouldn’t use your new head shot. The lighting is too harsh for your light skin. You look as if you are wearing too much foundation, and your lipstick is too bright for your skin tone. Not to mention your other pictures make you look much younger.
You are a pretty woman, but I don’t think this picture is very flattering. My intention is not to hurt your feels, but to give you an honest opinion. Your friends have to tell you it looks good. It’s their job. 🙂
Hi Anonymous. My policy is to not post anonymous comments on here unless it is obvious the person commenting simply doesn’t understand how to identify themselves on Blogger (like my mother, for example). But, I decided to make an exception here. I find it really interesting you would take time to comment on my head shot. Obviously you feel much more strongly about it than I do. I might just have to surrender to the fact that I am old and washed out. 🙂 No offense taken, just intrigue that a stranger would care to comment on such a thing. Thankfully, I’m not in the modeling or acting business. While it might help that writers look becoming in their photos, hopefully none of my future clients will hold it against me, so long as I can produce well-written material for them. 🙂
Would anonymous like to put up a head shot — and a name?!? Roxane, I love your photo. You look beautiful in every kind of lighting.
Keep on smiling,