Yes indeed, it’s time for a long winter’s nap, is it not? (A Christmas shout-out to my dear mother-in-law, Bev, who shared this photo with me through email recently.) I know that many of you readers are getting ready to travel, are already on the road or are hunkering down with your families and/or friends as the preparations for Jesus’ birth continue. We are oh-so-near now to the blessed event! Following the wise trend of many of my blogging friends, I am planning to take a little reprieve from here over the next couple of days. That said, I’d like to leave you with a few fun goodies to take in as you get settled in for your own Christmas rest.
In keeping with my Writing Wednesday theme, I’m going to start by including a bit of my daughter Olivia’s writing. I’d asked her to help the little ones compose their letters to Santa this year, and as usual, Olivia was up to the task. She’s a bit more organized than her mother, I must say. She got right to work at the computer and created a “Letter to Santa” form letter, which she asked all the siblings to fill out as a way to put in their “orders.” I had to chuckle when she handed them over, and I’ll bet Santa did, too, shaking when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly, no doubt!
Dear Santa,
What I would like for Christmas this year is a ______________________ and a ________________. I have been a really good boy/girl! I promise! I never fight with my sisters and brothers. Iโm a perfect angel.
In my stocking I want: __________________, __________________, and ____________________.
{Signature on the dotted line}
Well, there you have it. I do have to report that Santa offered some feedback, mentioning how much more organized he was this year while getting things ready in his workshop with these forms in hand. In fact, he asked if he could make a copy of the form for next year. That said, he questioned the third line a bit, saying that he’d been watching our family both while asleep and awake, and he’s remembering a bit of bickering among the brood at times and asked that the siblings temper that a bit in the coming days if they still want goodies. He added that if we throw some chocolate bars onto the plate of cookies we leave for him, he’s pretty sure his memories of squabbling likely will dissipate.
Now then, moving along…I mentioned in my Monday post I’d be on Catholic Radio later that morning, and indeed, I was and really enjoyed my time co-hosting the show with Tanya Watterud on the morning show, “Real Presence Live.” If you’ve got lots of time on your hands this break, you can listen in to all two hours’ worth here. But if you’re like most of us busy parents and you’d rather just catch some of the highlights, let me point you to two sections of the show in particular:
At 51:18 to 57:18, you’ll find a surprise exchange I had with Catholic columnist Christina Capecchi. (You can click on the gray bar after the track number and literally move it to the right to the timeframe you prefer.) I didn’t realize until the interview was well underway that Christina is someone with whom I’ve crossed paths on Peace Garden Mama, particularly regarding our late friend, Emilie Lemmons. The conversation ended up being quite a bit about Emilie toward the end of it. It was such a special six minutes honoring the life of our mutual friend on air. (Feeling your presence, Emilie…thanks…)
At 1:34:25, my interview with Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle begins, taking the show to its end. It was such a delight to talk with Donna-Marie. She really helped make my first live radio interview go smoothly. Thank you, Donna-Marie! I wish you the best with your book, Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship. (Note: particularly at the beginning to the interview, Donna’s voice is very quiet, so turn your volume way up. Technical difficulties, I suspect, but it’s worth trying to hear what she shares.)
[After trying this a second time, I discovered it’s a little tedious to get to the right spots. If “sliding” the bar doesn’t work, clicking vigorously on the number does the trick, but it still requires a little patience. I will be especially endeared to anyone who does take time to listen, and if you don’t, I will not hold it against you!]
Alright then, blogging/reading friends, time for that long winter’s nap. What is your favorite napping spot?
Thanks for sharing the darling form letter your daughter created – sooo cute! Maybe I should borrow that for our house!
I will try my darndest to listen to your radio show. I would love to hear you.
My favorite napping spot is on my couch, with my favorite furry blanket and furry napping pillows! ๐
That’s an adorable picture, Roxane. Gives me the “baby” tug.
Read your daughter’s Santa letter outloud to my Mom this morning as we’re both up early before the kids! And we both got a chuckle out of it! She did such a good job. I bet she could make a living out of form letters! ๐
I hope I can find a few minutes to listen to your voice! Have a wonderful Christmas, Roxane! Blessings!
What a beautiful photo. Roxane! Let me know about a link to our segment and I’ll post it as well. It was really wonderful chatting with you on the radio. You are a natural! and I hope you do it more often. ๐
God bless and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Thanks for sharing your holiday sweetness. Safe travels to you!! Remember, it’s not about the DAY. You can celebrate another day when the weather is more favorable. Staying safe is the first priority. Love you, write-mama-pal!
That picture is SO CUTE! I love napping with a baby. Merry Christmas Roxane!
It was wonderful hearing from you all before the big climactic Christmas celebration. I’m wishing you and yours the very merriest Christmas ever. Mary, thanks for the reminder. Natalie, I love naps, and even better with a little one nearby. Jody, I loved the thought of your mom being there with you this morning. Thanks for sharing my daughter’s letter with her! Shannon, sounds like an awesome napping setup! And Donna-Marie, I’m trying to see if we can get a link to our segment only. In the meantime, I hope you can listen to the section we did with Emilie’s former co-worker. Blessings to all!
First of all, Happy Xmas for you Roxane and every person as well. I am very happy for this and every day because I am alive and in good spirits.
Take good care of yourself Rox, you are the best and no question about it!