Earlier today, I shared my column about school uniforms that was published today as part of The Forum’s Tuesday “Parenting Perspectives” feature. Sometimes, pictures really do speak louder than words!
So, what do you think? Thumbs up or down for school uniforms?
Hi Roxane! Thumbs up for both uniforms and your article, which is very well-written.
I found your blog because you featured Jody. It’s good to “meet” you! Come meet me at my blog too if you get a chance. 🙂
Thumbs up. I cared for 2 little girls (who attended parochial school) several years in a row while their parents vacationed. It was so awesome that dressing in the morning was a non-issue. Also, I think it’s great for kids’ self esteem. No hard feeling about who is wearing what brand or where one shops. Yay for uniforms!
Thumbs up from me too.
Although I’m so distracted by wishing that my own school aged children would actually fall asleep during daylight hours once in while that I can’t really tell you why…
Monica, I could have SO used a nap today myself. It’s a gray, dull kind of day. My 4-year-old fell asleep and I had to wake him to go pick up the kids. The worst thing in the world to wake a “just fell asleep” babe.