Last year, while taking part in an “Experience North Dakota” event in St. Paul, I met regional photographer Leo Kim, one of the artists who’d been invited to help highlight the offerings of our great state. As I stood behind him waiting for a chance to talk with my riding companion, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A glass ball that had been on display was about to roll off a table and onto the ground. It would have been an unfortunate loss indeed if not for Leo’s swift hand. After making the save, Leo peered back as if to see if anyone had witnessed the near mishap, and there I was, smiling and breathing a sigh of relief with him. We then giggled over the close call, and thus began our introduction. A few months later, I had the chance to introduce Leo to my husband and meet him for lunch. I should have known better than to have lunch with a photographer. Midway through our meal, out came a little digital camera. I wasn’t necessarily the most cooperative subject, but he got a few photots out of me. Recently, while sorting through my files to find an updated photo for my profile, I realized… I don’t have any. Like many moms, I’m the family photographer and make only very rare appearances in our photo collections, but thanks to Leo, I was able to update my profile photo after all. What I’m pleased about beyond all else is that through sharing this back story with you, I have a chance to introduce Leo, a former resident of North Dakota and steadfast admirer of its people and landscape (not to mention an all-around decent human being). Please stop by Leo’s website if you have a moment and check out his spectacular work. He has brought visuals of our region to places far and wide, including Germany, where his photography recently was featured in a rotating gallery. Thanks to Leo’s keen eyes and creative heart, the gorgeous views around us we often take for granted have been seen by many.
Pie anyone?
LOL…nice pie.
I assume you were talking about the caramel apple one? 🙂