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Living Faith: IVF discourse opens a Pandora’s box
Recently, the North Dakota state legislature discussed several bills that address medical reproduction-practices, including invitro fertilization (IVF). Pres. Trump later issued an executive order related to the same. All this to say, a more open, robust discussion is happening about reproduction-enhancement techniques locally and nationally, and it’s long overdue. In the process, a Pandora’s box…
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Latest from the Blog
Faith Conversations: Women connect with God through fishing event
Women on Water attendees Weslie Ahfeldt and Deb Wald show off their catch. FARGO — Winding along Leaf Lake in Minnesota on a fishing boat trailing five others one breezy day last June, Carla St.…
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Living Faith: Young people thirsting for God more than ever
Recently, my husband’s heavy-metal band reunited for a couple performances. At the last event, our middle son, 22, showed up with some friends to hear the old man sizzle on stage. Entering the low-lit atmosphere…
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Faith Conversations: Mother of six with liver tumor focused on faith
The DesMarais family, pictured here in Island Park in September 2024, includes, left to right, Jacob, Charlotte, Olivia, Ron, Brandi, Sophia, Kaitlyn and Isabelle. FARGO — Early in their dating relationship, Brandi and Ron DesMarais…
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Sidewalk Stories: Escorts tactics backfired, helped mom choose life
https://pixabay.com/photos/people-woman-mother-child-kid-2564100/ In mid-October, a mother with an abortion appointment chose life here in the Red River Valley, and the abortion escorts’ tactics played a role in the reversal. The details came to us, unexpectantly, within…
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Sidewalk Stories: Numbing the pain can make abortion ‘thinkable’
Judging from the ages of the driver and passenger, I guessed they were a mother and daughter who were now emerging from the parking lot of our cities’ abortion facility. As the car approached the…
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Hello friend! Welcome to Peace Garden Passage. I pray your visit brings refreshment. Blessings & peace! Roxane