In choosing a theme for my “Matters of Soul Importance” podcast, I leaned on G.K. Chesterton, who responded to the admonition that we should never discuss religion or politics in polite company by saying those topics are the only ones worth discussing.
I find religion primary and politics necessary. I’m also baffled when the “non-religious” argue that the religious should refrain from political involvement. Humans are religious by nature, including the non-believer, for we all believe in, and idolize, something.
The faithful have a responsibility to weigh into politics. Those who argue otherwise misunderstand public discourse in a civilized society.
I’d go even further and say that Christians are especially needed in this discourse. In The Dispatch article, “ Why Politically Engaged Christians Are Good for Our Politics ,” Daniel Darling recalls that as Christianity strengthened in the Roman Empire, so did persecution of the faithful at the state’s hands. Yet, those marginalized Christians stood out, “not only for their unswerving faith in Jesus Christ but for their countercultural ethic of human dignity.”
Darling referenced Clement of Rome of the late 1st Century, who urged Christians to “do good and pay honor and reverence to man, who is made in the image of God,” mentioning Christ’s directive to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give hospitality to the stranger and visit the imprisoned—demands which remain in place, and, when observed, benefit all.
“From the beginning, Christian charity stood in stark contrast to that of the Greeks and Romans,” Darling continues, quoting historian Gary B. Ferngren: “The church displayed marked philanthropic imperative, showing both personal and corporate concern for those in physical need (as in Acts 6:1-6).”
In “Letter to Diognetus,” a 2nd Century apologist sums up the Christian posture to the world, saying that what the soul is in the body, Christians are to the world. Or, as Darling says, “Christians were to be the ‘soul’ of society, even while possessing little power.”
It’s not so much a question of whether Christians should engage in politics, he argues, but how, referencing St. Peter’s words, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence.” (1 Peter 3:15-6) Peter also says, “Honor the king, but fear God,” which is to say, Darling adds, that our political engagement must be restrained by our primary allegiance to Christ.
Darling highlights the loss all society would feel with the removal of Christians from politics, mentioning leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce and Susan B. Anthony. “The Founders,” he said, “understood that the American experiment in ordered liberty is enriched by robust Christianity.”
While people of faith are imperfect, Darling concludes, the alternative—politics devoid of a sober Christian witness—would not make the country we love a better place.
Approach the ballot box on Tuesday as if lives depended upon the results, because many do. But also remember the true victor—neither Trump nor Harris, but God alone.
[For the sake of having a repository for my newspaper columns and articles, I reprint them here, with permission, a week after their run date. The preceding ran in The Forum newspaper on Nov. 3, 2024.]
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