It seemed odd, the contrary comment on the Facebook page for Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, which is, according to its mission statement, “a chapter of the largest women’s public policy organization in the nation, conservative in nature and Biblical in foundation.”
I’ve watched threads on the page before, and usually, they comprise discussions from like-minded women agreeing on a posted article or offering support on a highlighted event. This comment had come from a man, however, taking issue with a Family Policy Alliance article exposing the reality that chemical abortions can be reversed. He encouraged people to get their facts straight.
The article had shared new stories of two children saved because their mothers found out that chemical abortions could be reversed, mentioning that hundreds of healthy babies now exist in our nation due to the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) procedure. “All it takes is for the mother to take progesterone – a drug safely prescribed for decades to prevent miscarriages – after the first abortion pill.”
The man who’d highjacked the conversation inserted information gleaned from a medical journal challenging APR. But as anyone in this fight knows, these studies, even medical ones, can mislead. A moderator of the group page posted, in response, another article with medical professionals explaining the confusion and supporting the procedure.
We could go back and forth with articles all day, of course. But the reality is, according to Heartbeat International, as of May 2019, 750 babies have been saved from this “second chance” procedure for mothers who change their minds about wanting an abortion; nearly 800 sweet-faced babies with lives full of hope and the ability to help replenish our deadened culture’s lack of love.
Soon enough, the identity of the man who’d popped into the thread was exposed as an interloper when the moderator pointed out his role as a local escort who regularly ushers women into our state’s only abortion facility in Fargo every week.
I also recognized him, from his little profile picture, as the same man who, just days before – while I tried in freezing weather to offer a woman seeking an abortion real help – mocked me, saying “Blah blah blah” as our paths briefly crossed.
I’ve never understood his presence there, but he’s one of the more dedicated ones. Rarely a Wednesday passes without him present, ready and willing to accompany women in distress into a building where their children’s lives will violently end.
Knowing his identity, it made more sense why he’d entered the conversation. Chemical abortions are something of a “last stand” for the abortion industry. Even as surgical abortion “clinics” are continuing to close, the abortion pill has increased in usage, as have the facilities that offer it as an alternative to surgery.

According to written findings by Operation Rescue, in 2019 “Planned Parenthood doubled down as a supplier of abortion-inducing drugs by opening five new pill clinics, dropping surgical abortions from five to 14 of its centers that previously did not conduct abortions.”
In this age of “I want it now,” and the inclination to do one’s dirty deeds behind a screen or in private, it makes sense that a pill would be more appealing to many of the abortion-minded than surgery, which, outwardly at least, seems more invasive.
But I’ve been thinking lately about how especially egregious this “drive-thru abortion” really is. Sharing these thoughts with some friends recently, I noted that, with the abortion pill, instead of taking out any aftermath regret on the doctor who surgically ripped apart or poisoned her child, the woman is left knowing she ingested the pills that poisoned her baby – by her own hand. Further, she’s often alone in dealing with the dying process of her child, within her very body.
For these reasons, it seems especially insidious, and one friend, agreeing, added, “If she makes the mistake of looking at the ‘clump of tissues’ at home, she has the unfortunate reality of the baby’s humanity to deal with as well.”
Horrific, and straight from the Bucket List of the Evil One himself.
Despite the bad news here, we cannot lose hope, nor think our Lord isn’t watching. For as another friend said, “It’s so sad for these deceived women. Satan is always at work and it is tiring,” adding. “That is why it is always good to stay in the arms of Jesus, where we know God wins in the end.”
To which I respond with a grateful “Amen.”
[Note: I write about my experiences on the sidewalk Downtown Fargo on Wednesday, the day abortions happen at our state’s only abortion facility, for New Earth magazine — the official news publication of the Fargo Diocese. I hope you find “Sidewalk Stories” helpful in understanding the truth about abortion and how it plays out tragically each week here in Fargo, N.D. The preceding ran in New Earth’s February 2020 issue.]
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