Since the last presidential election, I’ve learned how quickly a name can trigger. Simply writing “Trump” can unleash the proverbial gates of hell. This column likely will prove this.
Even in social-media exchanges, I’ve learned to use this name sparingly, given my limited energy for political debate. But when the president addressed the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., recently, I found myself gladdened by his pronouncements about life, and wanted to highlight them for others.
“When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation,” I posted, crediting, appropriately, President Trump.
Was his presence at the world’s largest pro-life, prayerful protest political? Undoubtedly. Were his words sincere? God alone knows, but I believe, to the extent that they could be, they were. Certainly, if President Obama had shown up at this annual event and uttered these words, I would have been impressed, despite not always agreeing with him.
As the anticipated onslaught unfurled from my posts quoting President Trump, I thought about our nation’s divide and its true source. My conclusion: the reason Donald Trump is president has less to do with conservatives loving him and more to do with our culture’s embrace of premeditated death. Period.
Trump’s election sprang from the convictions of those who know life is valuable at its beginnings, endings and everything in between. The denouncement of these truths in so many instances forced the election of this most unlikely person as our nation’s leader. It seems to me that those who hate the result might learn from this reality.
It’s really quite simple. If you want Trump out, begin looking honestly at what abortion is, and stop advocating for this immoral act, which has left millions of dead children and countless emotionally wounded women and men in our wake, not to mention infanticide, an unthinkable horror now being promoted by the left.
Young people know they are survivors; that they easily, lawfully could have been killed by their own parents through abortion. And the elderly, losing their usefulness in the minds of those more fit, grasp that they’re one day closer to the chopping block.
Most Americans see they’re at risk in this culture of death, and only words of life bring hope. As I said to a friend who challenged me, “The more the culture speaks death at every turn, the more we will cling to words and actions that speak life. No matter who says them.”
Trump wears his sins on his sleeves, visible for all to see. Other politicians, sinners, too, might wear them more inwardly, but they’re no less culpable. We all need conversion. And we all have an opportunity every day to speak life or death.
Deuteronomy 30:19 reads: “I have set before you, life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, therefore, that you and your descendants may live.”
These are the choices. The outcome is up to us.
[For the sake of having a repository for my newspaper columns and articles, I reprint them here, with permission, a week after their run date. The preceding ran in The Forum newspaper on Feb. 2, 2020.]
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