I’m trying to be thoughtful about all this election stuff. I’ve been through it all — from saying “Never Trump” to getting to a point to circling the black dot next to his name with no regrets, to being called a Nazi for doing so.
But now, I’m going to take a huge step back, even as the riots and name-calling continue.
What if this isn’t about Trump or Clinton? What if it’s about something else entirely? What if it’s about us?

What if they’re both just a smokescreen to make us forget who we are? To make us overlook that we are all human? To cause us to be blinded to the fact that we are brothers and sisters, all?
We have become so good during this election at vilifying each others’ candidate (I’m guilty too), and in the process, we’re missing something important.
We’re missing the beating of the human heart. We’re missing our common heritage in the Lord. We’re missing that we’re way more alike than not.
It is so sad. I’m not new to being publicly flogged for my views, but enough is enough. If for no other reason than this, this is why I am relieved a change in direction is about to happen. The hate between party lines has become so deep and dangerous, I’m convinced something had to break open in order for healing to begin — for us to even recognize it’s necessary before any of us can move forward.
If we do not see right now how desperate we are for God, we are truly lost, and it is truly hopeless, and we might as well begin preparing for the end of the world, rather than rolling up our sleeves to make a difference in our own little corner of the world.
C’mon friends. We can do this. And we know how, because it’s the only way that’s worked before. Through faith not in man but in the Lord God Almighty.
If you don’t know this good God, I pray that you will. It is a much better way that duking it out on your own. The God who brings healing and wholeness is near; we just have to tap into his ever-available heart.
And for those who do know him — and I speak for myself here — what are we about, anyway? Do we believe in prayer, or is it all a farce? Are the words we utter just being sent out into a loveless, godness void, or do we believe they are being reached by the ears of a loving father who wishes nothing more than our genuine and abiding joy?
What is the answer to our consternation right now? He’s right here in front of us, and he’s trying to get our attention. As any loving parent would, he has been standing here all along, watching us, in even more pain than we are in because he feels each of our hearts, seeing us trying to make it without him. Is it possible this is the moment of our finally recognizing love for what it is, and drawing near to it?
How do we get there? I see the answer in getting beyond the candidates, who, at this point in time are no longer candidates. We have 1) a former candidate and 2) a president-elect, who was elected not because of a huge mistake, but because half the country felt unheard.
But it’s not about Donald Trump. He is one man — and not divine. He is not our savior. No man, no party, is our savior. Our savior stands above and beyond any of us, no matter how powerful, wealthy or intelligent.
The outcome of this election, no matter on which side you fall in the Great Divide, provides hope, because it offers a wide-open opportunity for all to turn to God, surrender to him and say, “Lord, what is your will? And how can I help bring it to fulfillment?”
We are missing the point by turning on each other, and the Evil One is laughing. Are we going to let him have his way, or run to the One who has been with us from the beginning, who is trustworthy, who has promised great and beautiful things, and who has the words of everlasting life?
We are so blessed in so many ways. God wants to bless us more. Will we let him, or will we continue to turn on one another and miss this incredible chance to be beacons of love to the world?
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