I am way out of my comfort zone here. Soliciting funds has never been something I’ve been keen on, nor do I relish being on the receiving end of such an operation. But there are times in life when it becomes a matter of urgency that we let down our guard and reach out in the name of someone we love, and this is one of those times.
I have a friend who could use a little help. I can’t tell you all the details involved, but I know quite a few of them. I know enough that my mother heart is lurching out of my chest right now at the reckoning of what could happen if help doesn’t come.
I am asking you to trust me. I am asking you to consider being the hands and feet of Christ in this instance. I am asking you to search your hearts, and possibly your bank account, to see whether there might be a little something in there to give to this precious mother who is in the fight of her life for custody of her son. All you have to do to help is click here.
Her son, by the way…could he be any more cute? I don’t think so! One thing I know is that if things stand as they are, this sweet little man will go through long spans of time without his mama, and to me, that’s unthinkable. I can’t imagine what the separation could do to him at such a tender age.
I mean no offense to the wonderful men out there, but you simply cannot be a mother. You cannot offer the soft cheek, or the gentle caress, or the feminine voice that a child not only craves but truly needs.
Some of you who read this don’t even know me, so my asking you to trust me is really a huge leap. And yet, that’s exactly what I’m asking. I’m asking you, even with very limited information, to put yourself in the place of my friend and her daughter and grandson. If you had a child in your life who was at the mercy of the courts, as this little one is, wouldn’t you do whatever you could to help keep the bond between mother and child intact and tight?
I’ve added my donation to this already. I would not have asked otherwise. Now, I’m asking you. The friend who started this fund set the goal of $6000 to help them with legal fees. Will you add a bit to that to bless them, and bring them the assurance they need to move forward in confidence? Truly, it would mean so much, to me and to them.
Thank you in advance for helping my friends. It might not be until heaven that you see the difference it made, but you will see it someday. I know it, without a doubt.
God bless, and if you could help spread the word, I would be, again, so grateful. Let’s help this family reach their goal before their August court date!
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