I couldn’t have imagined, when I signed on to help with a book project in the spring of 2012, that it would produce the kind of blessings that have come my way. And I don’t even mean the kind that have to do with the written word. No, this is something else entirely.
None of us could have conceived that fateful day we met by phone and felt the surge of something exciting about to happen that our journey together would include a brand-new soul. The book, “Redeemed by Grace,” has been a tremendous gift. But even more extraordinary, because of its eternal significance:
The angel feet of my new goddaughter!
I bought Ramiah’s baptismal gown as a baby present, with no expectations other than that I wanted to gift this beautiful family with something really special. I knew it had been a while since they’d baptized a daughter so a new gown popped into my heart as something that might bless them.
To have been asked then to be her godmother was such a blessing to me. Even through the miles, I felt so connected to this little girl, who was being fashioned throughout the process of our collaboration. Ramiah was with us during so many of the phone calls, the squeals of excitement, and even the stretches of stress. She knew the unique inflections of her mother’s voice when we talked by phone about the book and dove in deeply about other issues, too, like our families’ needs.
I couldn’t be there for the baptism this past weekend, and it grieved me. Thankfully, I was able to be there in the spirit, and thankfully, the Catholic Church allows for a proxy in the event a godparent cannot be physically present.
Lorena, Ramiah’s big sister, served as proxy for Ramiah’s baptism this weekend.
I am just so thankful for our modern digital capabilities in times like this. When Ramona and family were on the way to the church, she snapped this shot and texted it to me, and immediately, I was able to feel the excitement of the day. Ramona noted that Ramiah looked giddy, like she knew she on her way to becoming a child of God, and I see it, too, don’t you? Could this little one be any more precious?
Attending a baptism class as a required refresher reminded me that the title of godparent isn’t just an honorary one. No, there is so much more weight attached to it than that. As godparent, I will be responsible for helping this little girl come to know God. There are few things as important in the life of a soul.
Though I’d love being closer, I feel I can do this, even from far away. I’m excited to continue journeying with this little cutie through the years and witnessing with her parents all that God has in store for her.
I am very blessed to be the mother of five kids on earth and one in heaven, and now, four beautiful godchildren, too. Ramiah joins Allie, Nicholas and Jacob in the lineup of those whose souls are especially close to my heart through my having accepted this privilege of godmother.
Going through this experience again reminds me of the incredible value of prayer. Joining my soul with Ramiah’s through serving as her godmother at this time in my life has reignited my desire to amp up my godmothering efforts by remembering to pour on the prayers as often as I do for my own children.
Thank you, Ramona and Eugene, for honoring me in this way.
I have yet to meet this little angel but I love her already!
Q4U: When has technology brought light to your life?
How beautiful! Just precious. Oh my. A big “Amen” for technology and how it can be used to sustain community with one another. Technology broke through the “walls” for me, when I first learned to email. That connection that I adored, even though I was within the walls of my home taking care of the kiddos. What a beautiful and heartfelt celebration of new life!
Vicky, thanks for reveling in the life-giving capacities of technology with me! Of course you would get it. 🙂 I agree. Email was a breakthrough invention to me as well. I think we were made for this technology thing.