Ramona and I were excited to find our book show up in England this week!
It came through the blog post of a writer at the Catholic Herald, a publication in the UK, and signaled to us that this story is indeed making the rounds.
It also crosses paths with the introduction of “Redeemed by Grace” Spanish version, which trailed the launch of our English version just slightly, but nevertheless, is making its way out into the world now too, praise God!
Our excitement was threefold. One, just knowing the story had reached across the ocean is a little more than a thrill. We had so hoped this story would reach far and wide, not for our sake, but for the kingdom of God, for His beautiful and deserved glory, and because we love so much. We love people enough to want them to know truth, beauty and goodness. So thank you God that this is happening; that it’s reaching across the seas!
But even more, it’s just awesome seeing how each unique reader is finding something edifying in Ramona’s journey. For example, one of the things this writer highlights is the fidelity of the priest with whom Ramona conversed and to whom she confessed after returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation after a bit of a pause.
The priest was a faithful man of God, and devoted to the Church. Because of that, he had within him the ability and resolve to give her wise and good counsel. This counsel led her onto the path of light. Rather than being wishy-washy toward her, he was merciful, but also spoke truth to her. He told her that it was necessary for her to leave behind what she’d been embracing that was bringing harm to her soul.
Her choice of employment and her choice to turn down God’s involvement in her family size; of saying, “No” to life.
Had that priest given Ramona a different message at a time her heart was so vulnerable, things might have turned out very differently. But they didn’t, and because of that, Ramona has a life-giving story to share, and I’ve been invited to be a small part of it, and we both feel incredibly blessed.
Thank you, Lord, for showing Ramona the path of life through your faithful priest. Thank you for giving me a chance to help share this story with the world. Thank you, Lord, for all the hearts who have received and will receive this story. May they absorb it in the manner in which we had intended it as we fashioned each sentence. May they see, most of all, your love for them.
Q4U: When did hearing truth make a difference in your life?
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