My promise to post every day of our Flannery adventure was thwarted by staying at a monastery that lacked a proper Internet connection. So I apologize for lack of proper follow-through. But sometimes, as Flannery well knew, you just surrender.
After this short catch-up post, the rest of what I will share in this series will all be post-journey meanderings. For this moment, however, you’re reading the words of one travel-worn little lady. So, let’s keep this short and sweet, if you please, for now, with just a few shots of our last major destination attraction before the three of us have to (gulp!) say goodbye for a while.
By the way, I am not relishing the thought of parting. These women have truly become my sisters on this brief but concentrated journey. But with that, I know that it’s only the beginning in many ways of all that we’re meant to learn from one another as we continue to find Flannery in our lives.
Flannery talked quite a bit about the Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, Georgia, and it was a delight for us to finally have a chance to see it for ourselves, and worship several times with the Trappist monks there.
The cats were first to greet us. By the time we left we counted six in all. They were playful and we enjoyed watching them, and decided they had a pretty good setup at the monastery. We didn’t worry too much about monastery mice, that’s for sure.
The rest was just…well, beautiful, peaceful, a nice way to begin to wrap up our time together, really.
These holy places we’ve visited have given us such hope, presented us with such quiet beauty. We can only hope that through sharing of our travels, we are able to offer just a little of that peace to you.
Thanks for sharing your journey. Your photos are gorgeous, as always.