One of the things I’ve enjoyed about blogging is the evolution that takes place as one grows into it. Since its 2008 launch, Peace Garden Mama has indeed changed as my life has changed. Recently, I’ve felt that it’s time again for something new. As a result, Mama Mondays will transition into Memento Mondays starting today. Mondays here will still have a family focus but with fewer words. The thought behind this is twofold.
First, as my children grow, it has become more important to hold sacred our family’s comings and goings, to use more discretion in what is shared here. I can no longer, without potential friction, post adorable quotes that might embarrass the kids, two of them teens and one a pre-teen, as I could when they were tots. This is a natural shift and as it should be.
Second, the change is for me. I typically create and post Mama Mondays on Sunday night with a scheduled/delayed posting time so it will appear Monday morning, as I’m getting the kids off to school and myself to work. Especially now that I work outside the home, I’m committed to keeping Sundays as obligation-free as possible. Simplifying Monday’s post with an image or two and fewer words just seemed like a sensible move to make.
I’m looking forward to this change and hope you will welcome it too. With that, here’s the first posting of Monday Mementos, which I’m calling “Sunlight and Leaves.” It’s the result of a little monkeying around with my new phone’s camera settings. Light can mean everything in a visual, or a painting, or the sky. It’s light that offers depth and highlights angles, shadows and movement.
With that, have a beautiful, sun-lit week!
Wow – you took that with your phone? That’s a quality shot!
I look forward to many Momento Mondays. 🙂
That is a really cool light photo! Rick and I played in the light yesterday too and it has left me giddy today and relishing another chance soon to do it again.
I think Momento Monday will be fun!
It is trickier to write about the kids when the kids start to have an opinion about what to share. They need their privacy, too. Great photo. Walk in the light!