My friend Lori is an amazing person; the mother of seven who, at 40-something, married her prince. This was her first wedding; her children, the “7 Wonders” as her license plate says, came into her life through adoption.
Lori became a mother because her heart was expansive and she knew she had an abundance of love to give others. But her husband had yet to show up in those earlier days. Not that she wouldn’t have welcomed it but it wasn’t to be. So, instead of waiting around for that someday prince, she put her love into action in the best way she could. This weekend, her sacrifice and perseverance were generously rewarded.
While Lori was readying herself in the lake house, her future mother-in-law waited with the rest of the guests, gazing out onto the lake as if someone might appear out of thin air if they stared hard enough.

Eventually, the kids began arriving — 11 in all (four are part of the prince’s half of the package).
The one on the left…he’s our buddy, a good friend of our firstborn.

This was just the beginning…of a beautiful night (which later included fabulous food and dancing), to launch a beautiful beginning…
These are the good things in life that make it all worth it, and hope real. I’m so glad to have been able to have been a small part of this evening of sweetness!
Q4U: Describe a new beginning you recently experienced.
I think my next wedding will be at the lake or a beach of some sort too! What a neat story they have and I can feel my own heart expanding when I read about a woman’s whose heart expanded 11 times, 12 counting her new husband. I wish them much love and happiness on this newest adventure! The photo of you and the girls is gorgeous Roxane!! Such beautiful girls!
Beautiful pics for a beautiful day..Thanks for posting and sharing the experience w/ others.
Vicky, your next wedding? Is there something I don’t know? 🙂 Perhaps one of your son’s weddings will be at a lake. 🙂 Thanks for the stop-over, sweetie.
Anon, thanks, too, for taking a look and commenting.