Happy Father’s Day to all those Dads, Da-das, Daddies, Pops and Papas out there!
We don’t always give you enough credit for all of the unspoken requests that you fulfill, the hands you hold, the lawns your mow, and the strength and security you provide us as you carry out your fatherly role. So, from all of us to all of you, thank you!
This will constitute my Monday post as well, since I’ll be busy the next couple days getting my daughter ready for camp and myself ready for a trip to Louisiana with my mom and sister. Do stop by Wednesday again if you can for more on our newest addition (pictured here with Daddy Troy).
For now, off I go to the pool with the kids so Daddy can rest for a couple hours.
Blessings in your week ahead!
Peace Garden Mama (Roxane)
Best to you dear friend, and thanks for the comment. We WILL get together when you are free. I
look forward to touching base; we have a lot to catch up on!
Safe travels,
Happy Father’s Day !!! Have a Nice Day !!! Best Regards from Mr Lonely at http://www.lonelyreload.com .. do visits my blog when free.. XD
I report that I had two wonderful father’s day cards and one grandfather card too. I waited a week for a grandfather breakfast (I brought the bacon) and Granddaughter No. 1 and I had maple syrup to boot (for me for the bacon which is as close to the truest symbol of father’s day as I can imagine). God bless and thanks to all children and grandchildren for remembering us.
Abe Lincoln stopped by the other day. He said he’d been tagged an atheist and an abolitionist, a Christian and a enabler of slavery. When he sat down to a humble repast of beans and weiners, he told me when he didn’t know what was right to do, his wife would try set him straight. But then he’d just do what he needed to which was to find a way forward, that was the best he could do. He said he loved wife Mary and that the best they could ever do was talk about being so different from one another they were the same.