Before I get to my Wednesday teaser, a quick family update. Our 12-year-old daughter has now exchanged places with our 14-year-old son at the grandparents’ lake town. Apparently, Liv enjoyed her summer adventure and even talked Grandma into accompanying her on a small shopping trip, through which she acquired several new shades of nail polish. Not wanting to waste time testing them out, she cajoled her young cousin into being her first guinea pig. The resulting photo will be a great one to include in his high-school graduation slideshow about 11 years from now.
For this week’s Writing Wednesdays, I’m featuring a lovely lady and well-refined writer, a gal who counts among her favorite interviews one she did not long ago with “vampire author turned angel author” Anne Rice. To read more about Mary’s journey into the writing life, dash over the Peace Garden Writer here. I’ll look forward to seeing you there!
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