On days I have meetings or appointments that don’t lend themselves to having a 4-year-old tagging along, I have two wonderful helps at my disposal. One is a part-time sitter, Kristi, who has immeasurably blessed my life over the past several years. Another is a drop-off childcare business that, lacking a permanent grandmother in the vicinity, we’ve gratefully used over the years.
This week, I got to talking to the owner of the childcare place, Terry Graalum. She’s an energetic woman who, I recently learned, has an art background. She’s also a woman after my own heart in the quest to make lemonade out of the lemons that life dishes out.
Lately, the most bitter lemons in these parts have come in the form of cold weather that has kept us from functioning at full capacity. But Terry isn’t one to let opportunity slip by. So the other day, when the snow was coming fast and furiously, she saw not dreary weather but an artistic canvas unfolding before her eyes. Here’s what her creative genius produced:
Apparently, some kids were helping her with the initial snow structure, gathering up the snow base that she would use for her masterpiece. But eventually their bodies tired out, and it was then that Terry rolled up her sleeves (or, rather, put on her sculpting mittens) and went to work. When one of the boys returned a while later and saw the still-uncolored creation, he exclaimed, “HOW did you DO THAT???!!” He was absolutely awestruck at how a mound of snow had been turned into Mr. Potatohead.
Pretty cool, don’t you think, the ways people use their creative energy?
When was the last time you were wowed by someone’s creative talent?
Potatoally Awesome ๐
How DID she do that? It’s amazing. I love artists. They really know how to make lemonade, even frozen lemonade – like a slushy. Mmmm.
Wow. My kids would love that. Maybe I should show them this post and challenge their creative minds. ๐
I love mr. potatohead! Your photo made me smile! I would say my children inspire creativity in me by the way they see life. My oldest sees it as a comic strip, second oldest can picture it as a movie, third child pencils it in a sketchbook, and our youngest takes his pile of legos and builds it into a masterpiece! I love how they can see what life is really all about.
How cool is that? (Pun sort of intended.) Wow!