Last week, I hinted at some of the exciting changes on the horizon. In many ways, I really do feel that I’m at that beautiful place where land and sea meet, a place fraught with endless possibility. This coming fall, my youngest son will enter full-time kindergarten; my oldest, high school. This will open up to me daytime hours that have been primarily occupied by caring for my children over the past 14 years. Necessarily, many of those hours will be filled with another kind of job. But what?
I’ve been ruminating over the options for a while now, and in the last couple of months, have felt a rising conviction within myself. After peeking out at the choices as they are, I’ve come to realize several important things. One, that my kids’ need for a mother who is available as their needs arise is not going to go away anytime soon. Two, that I have within me what I need to create the kind of job that will meld best with my unique family.
So, I’m going to give it a go. For the past several months, I’ve been plotting out my future path. The future begins now, so the months leading up to fall will be preparation months as I ready myself for my new job. The position I imagine will keep me at home, writing, but instead of simply sneaking in my paid projects during mainly nighttime hours, I will work during the day. I am expanding my horizons, widening my notion of the sorts of projects I will take on. I have taken concrete steps to make this happen, and I feel really good about my future as a freelance writer. I’ll still do what I’ve been doing for the past 15 years as a freelance writer, but along with articles and columns, I plan to take on copywriting jobs as well, helping companies better address their communications needs, especially in the area of writing.
Strong writing is needed in almost every avenue of business, and I’ve primed myself to be in a place of assistance to those companies who need a boost in this area. I am stepping out, little by little, getting the word out. I want to move out slowly as I work to build what I feel will be a fulfilling venture that will meet my family’s needs as well as the needs of the people with whom I will work. I will be drawing on my degree of mass communications and my many years of writing experience. In time, I hope to start a separate blog so my clients can go there and see what I’m up to, and what I’ve done in the past. I’ve reserved a spot for this on Blogger and named it “Peace Garden Writer,” though I have yet to make it “live.” I’ve enjoyed the Peace Garden theme and it seems to have stuck, so I’m going with it.
In some ways, I’m taking a risk by sharing this here, because I don’t know exactly how it’s going to go. But I truly believe that something tangible happens when we state our goals; something that would not be possible if we kept them locked up inside of us. When we release them, they become even more real, and more likely to come to fruition. In other words, I believe that our dreams are made manifest in the simple utterance of them.
Aside from the paid writing I will do (and already have begun), I will move forward with my goal of writing a children’s novel in the coming year. I am hoping to attend a conference or two to gain guidance. I will stay connected with my best writing pals for support. I will continue to learn my craft. I consider myself a lifelong learner and hope that I will never lose my zest for acquiring new knowledge.
One of the primary motivators for me in this new venture has been the book, The Well-Fed Writer, by Peter Bowerman. This book has given me the courage I need to move forward with what I feel is a sound plan for me and my family.
Thank you, readers, as always, for stopping by when it works for you, and for taking time to comment when you feel inspired. I’m excited about what’s ahead, and looking forward to keeping you involved in the details, just as I look forward to hearing from you about your writing goals and dreams.
So, to the writers in the crowd especially, I’d love to hear from you on this. If you have any ideas for me as I embark on this new venture, I’d be grateful to hear them. I’d also enjoy hearing your writing dreams for 2010!
Awesome Roxanne. Wishing you the best.
Sounds right up your ally. I’m sure you’ll do very well at it, though I lack any practical advice at this point. As for myself I just need to find a fit between what I love and what we need. No answers there yet but if it involves writing even better.
This sounds like the ideal plan for your skills, your mommy heart, and your family. I admire the courage it requires to venture into unknown territory, and even more, to share it with others. I will pray for success and peace in your new adventure.
If you decide to attend any children’s writer’s conferences let me know. Maybe we could find a way to team up for one! ๐
Sounds like a plan! I work full-time out of the home in a non-writing related job… and have 3 (the 4th is on the way!) little ones, one still at home. It’s difficult… and can I just say? I’m dripping with jealousy *grin*
I love your plan. I’m walking with you.
Well, now I really have to prove my worth! ๐ Krista, don’t be jealous just yet. You’re probably in a more secure position, at present. However, if this works as I am hoping, I’ll come back with some tips to inspire you. I guess this is one reason we blog though, right? To inspire one another, encourage one another, to continue learning from one another. It’s awesome to know that regardless of how it turns out, you’ll have fellow journey men and women nearby to walk with you (thanks Mary…). Mark, Shannon and Liz, it was fun to “see” you today, too.
Shannon: I’d love to meet up with you for a conference someday. Wouldn’t that be fun? Mary, you in? ๐ We could do the Montana, Dakota, Minnesota thing. ๐
I do pray for you and family as well too. You write with the heart and this is a detail few ,among you, have!
saludos and keep cherishing life.
Thanks Erick. I appreciate your prayers! I always could use some of those. ๐
It sounds like the Holy Spirit is leading you in an exciting direction. My only plug is to keep your hand in God’s hand. But you already know that!
Things blossom beautifully that way. Praying for you always!
If I can finish this manuscript that will be all the reason to rejoice!
I know you’ll find your own way, one step at the time! Enjoy the journey!
I applaud your decision. It is a decision to be a good steward with the gift you have been given and have so well developed.
Congratulations on continuing the journey Roxane.