Kid quote (overheard at lunch today as the kids discussed why summer sausage is so named):
Adam, 7: “Maybe it’s cuz it’s made in the summertime.”
Nick, 4: “I know. Maybe it’s cuz it’s got somersault in it!”
Favorite gift 2009
I looked at the two brown boxes under the Christmas tree with a question mark in my mind. Who had put those unwrapped presents there, and when? Were they there by mistake? Then something distracted me and I moved on to other concerns, forgetting about the mysterious presents at the base of the tree.
Our middle son, age 7, seemed extraordinarily excited about gift-opening this year, and it soon became apparent why. It wasn’t so much because of his eagerness over opening the gifts that awaited him, as I’d suspected. When it came time to despersing gifts, Adam rushed over to collect the two unwrapped boxes.
“Here’s yours,” he said to his Dad, “and yours,” he said, placing a box held together precariously with Scotch tape next to me.
The gift-opening commenced as usual, with the youngest going first and moving up to the oldest. When it was the parents’ turn, Adam glowed with expectation. I opened my brown box to find a precious gift within: his favorite, soft teddy bear.
“You like it?” he asked.
“I do, but are you sure you want to give it to me? I know it’s your favorite.”
“Yup. Wanna know why I want to?”
“Because it has hearts on it, and that means love, and I love you so much,” he said, nuzzling my shoulder.
Of course, I loved all the gifts I got this Christmas, but later that evening, as I snuggled up with my new red teddy bear, the gift of love from my son flooded my heart. I thought of him thinking it all out, ruminating over whether he was ready to give up something so dear to him, finding a box and tape, placing it under the tree. All of these gestures…so that I would have something from him, from his heart, to open on Christmas. I was blown away, filled with warm sentiment; so much, it seemed, that it might possibly last a lifetime.
This is what Christmas is all about: love! After receiving that gift, everything else was gravy.
If we have love in our lives, we are rich as kings.
What was your favorite gift from Christmas 2009?
Wow, Roxane, there is nothing that tops the complete and utter selfless love of a child! What a beautiful gift. ๐
My favorite gift this Christmas came from my husband. He bought me a small sculpture, hand-carved by someone in an African village. It represents the unity and inter-connectedness of a family. They are made with any number of children you wish, so of course mine is of two parents and three children, all magically connected.
It is beautiful to me – a beautiful piece of symbolic art, and a beautiful, thoughtful gift from a man who knows me so well.
What a wonderful act of love, Roxane! How blessed you are. ๐
It’s hard to say what my favorite gift was. I received lovely things, and too much from my husband, who always goes overboard. I guess I would have to say the praying cross I received from my parents, made from olive wood and shaped to fit the hand. I need that reminder to pray intentionally. I also like the copy of the US Constitution they got me. ๐
God bless you!
That Adam is so sweet. Thanks for sharing that precious gift and beautiful memory.
My favorite Christmas gift was just having all my Prodigy together. Pius
Mine was to be alive and have my family and friends alive,despite many things!