I found a little treasure the other day, and even though Thanksgiving was already over and Advent well under way by the time I uncovered it from a pile of school papers, you might consider this a Thanksgiving leftover. I’m delighted this one didn’t end up in the garbage along with the turkey carcass and bits of uneaten pie crust by mistake.It’s a drawing by my 7-year-old:
Now, lest I seem like a gushing mama, let me just say (and I’ll say it on behalf of mothers everywhere, especially those who work from home) that when you work for a pittance, and commendations and awards are few and far between, you claim your trophies however and whenever they come. And in my case, the above drawing, having been discovered in hindsight and nearly a victim of a premature demise,is my “certificate of achievement” for the month. This is the kind of thing that makes me feel that perhaps something is working right in our lives.
There was another one, too, that I found even further down in the pile:
It’s hard to see the words, so I’ll translate them, since that’s the best part:
If I sailed on the Mayflower I would have
Play jax
cords (cards)
mi mom
Yes, this is the same little dude who has been loving me up lately with hugs, and I am the same mom who is lavishing it. This one really was headed for the trash. It was all crumpled up and I barely saw that it was actually something cohesive. I’m thanking the heavens above now that I took just one minute more to read the words. How else would I have known that, if stranded on a big old ship in the middle of the ocean, my son would include me among his prized possessions?
I’ve got one more little gem from the even-littler-dude, age 4. It’s been a while since I’ve included any of Nick’s quotes on Peace Garden Mama, but this one just cracked me up the other day. I was engaged in something and he was ready for dinner. A few minutes earlier I’d let him have just a few “Scooby Snacks” crackers to tide him over, but apparently it wasn’t enough, because he returned knowing he’d already eaten his quota and clamoring for more. Here’s what I heard:
“Mom, I need moy of those Scooby snacks oy I’ll die…in 5…4…3…2…1!”
Needless to say, he didn’t get any more, but he did get MY attention after 4!
What are some unexpected treasures, Thanksgiving leftovers if you will, that you’ve discovered or received in the past week or so?
Roxane!! I just LOVE your blog!! Your posts are so warm and touching! I’m still thinking about the one from last week about God waiting for us. And the one today is absolutely precioius. I think maybe because I can relate to so much of what you’re saying. There are days when it feels like I’m making absolutely no progress with any of my children, but then I find a tiny treasure in something–whether a child helps without being asked, or gives up their right to something for one of their siblings, or even an unexpected hug. I know my ultimate payment lies in heaven someday, but it sure is nice to get a few earthly rewards from time to time!
I agree with everything Jody said – from the greatness of your blog, to kid progress, to earthly treasures! Well said, Jody!
My 7-year-old was practicing beginning/middle/end in writing at school. They started with “first” then “next” then “last” and the ended with “clearly”. Scott’s was all about me. He ended with “Clearly, I love my mom.” Of course I puddled at his feet when I saw it! ๐
Oh, I have pictures like this, too. My sons are men, but I can’t throw the artwork away. It says “joy” to me in a thousand voices.
I love that my post affected you all. Shannon, you went and made me tear up — as in, I got a tear in my eye reading your comment. I am SUCH a sap! Who doesn’t want to hear her kid say, “Clearly, I love my mom.” That is priceless. ๐ Cassandra, thanks for reminding me that this collecting of artwork doesn’t have to end anytime soon — the collection can remain even when our children are grown men and women. Now, to find a place for all of it!
Jody, didn’t mean to exclude you, but I already respond to your loving thoughts to me on your blog. ๐ Thanks for all you are.
This is SO sweet. You have to save that Mayflower forever!