It’s that time again for the Friday flash!
BREASTFEEDING DOLL CONTROVERSY: There’s been some interesting talk in the blog and news world related to a new doll that has come on the market. Instead of coming equipped with bottles, it arrives ready to breastfeed. Apparently, there is an outcry in some circles that this will prompt girls to desire a faster maturation, among other issues. I wrote a post about the breastfeeding doll yesterday, and the responses were interesting. Even among those who consider themselves breastfeeding advocates, none seemed really excited about this doll. One feels it’s just too mechanical, for example, and that children will pretend nurse on their own, without the help of a doll. I’m still a bit divided on it myself, but think it’s a good issue to raise. To me, the larger issue is our society’s all-too-common objectification of a woman’s body, and perhaps that lies at the root of my confliction. Maybe we don’t need to raise this issue and others connected to it through our children’s playrooms. That said, let me say that I think the sweetest sight in the world is when children mimic their mommies who nurse their younger siblings through “nursing” their own “babies.” Nothing at all wrong with that, methinks.
Here’s the original article about the breastfeeding doll that prompted me to write about this from, and here’s a great post written by my blogging pal, Missy, over at Marketing Mama that addresses this and other nursing news, including the fact that it’s World Breastfeed Week 2009. Oh, and there’s a video on there that demonstrates how the nursing doll works.
[P.S. A reader asked to see the posts the included earlier discussions. See comments in Peace Garden Mama I and Peace Garden Mama II from yesterday to read more. The rest of the comments were on Facebook so less easily shared here, but all comments have been pro-breastfeeding and negative or uncertain toward the doll.]
HOW DOES YOUR SUMMER GROW? Well, along with the weeds and thistles that have cropped up in the garden over the summer (I am not yet at a place in my life of feeling free enough to do tons of garden maintenance), there are a few flowers left out back. Not a lot, but a few little flashes that hint at a springtime past. All seasons for a reason, right?
MY LATEST READ: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. This book has been recommended by several people over the years. I just cracked the cover and don’t know how much time I’ll have to read it in the next week, but I always like have a good book nearby…just in case. I eagerly anticipate what’s inside. Apparently, there’s a movie out now based on the book. Anyone out there seen it?
ST. BEN’S DRAWING NEAR: Please join me during my week at St. Ben’s through visiting Peace Garden Mama. I’ll be blogging daily about my writing retreat and would be happy to have you stop by August 9-15 to share a bit of the journey and read any insights that might have come to me during my time of reflection, writing and singing/praying with the nuns.
HUBBY’S NEW JOB: It wasn’t really a secret, but I didn’t want to share details of my husband’s new job until he’d been at it a while. He’s now in week two of it and really enjoying his new surroundings. His job as service coordinator for Laney’s, a plumbing and heating operation (the best in town, of course) is less of a stretch than it might seem. Though he’s dedicated much of his life to his music, Troy grew up with a father who started a plumbing/heating business, and a brother who now heads up that same company. So, he’s been in the trenches many times before, and even though he’s not working out in the field in this new position, he’s very connected to the business through his family. We’re looking forward to what’s ahead, and to his new schedule, once Red Star Guitar’s lease is up end of August.
THE LEMONADE AWARD: Yesterday, I received a note that I’d been bestowed with the Lemonade Award by my friend Valerie. Here’s what she said about Peace Garden Mama on her blog:
Peace Garden Mama is a blog title that could be self-explanatory, but I’ll explain that Peace Garden refers to North Dakota. And obviously, it’s a blog dedicated to motherhood/family life. Roxane has a litter of five.* Not having any puppies of my own, Peace Garden Mama seems an incongruous choice, but her capable writing and her willingness to de-mythify motherhood without ever once minimizing it makes this blog quite readable.
Thanks Val! To read the other four blogs chosen for the award by Val, visit her blog, String of Lights. The award is to be paid forward, so I’ll be choosing five other bloggers in the near future to be highlighted.
TENNIS MEETING: Last night, while I was out celebrating an upcoming wedding with some friends and the bride-to-be, my husband was doing his fatherly duty of taking in a meeting on fall sports, including tennis. I guess this is the beginning of the end of the summer. Soon, it will be tennis matches, soccer fields and gobs of paperwork (and earlier bedtimes…ahem!). In fact, our Mississippi cousin, Michael, has already begun his school year!
In other words, enjoy whatever is left of your summer!
For more “quick takes,” visit Jennifer at Conversion Diary.
What a sweet comment about you for your Lemonade award!
I’ve put A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on my reading list – thanks 🙂
And about the breastfeeding doll, it doesn’t feel right to me, but I can’t pinpoint why. I’m a big fan of breastfeeding, and have been doing for almost the past 3 years non-stop between my two kids, but having a doll and a bra with flowers for nipples kind of creeps me out. I agree that all kids with nursing mothers will probably grab their own regular doll and pretend to breastfeed at some point. I’d like to click your links and see what others are saying about this.
Wonderful Quick Takes!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I’d thought about including the links. In fact, I’ll go ahead and add them so you can read them for yourself. Several though have come through Facebook (I post my blog updates there as well) so that’s a bit harder to share. But you’ll get a feel for it anyone. All who responded were pro-breastfeeding, but not one was enthusiastic about the doll.
A Tree is an old book, but apparently one that has stood the test of time. We’ll find out soon.
Thanks again for stopping by. I’m going to visit you now…
We use Laney’s all the time. 🙂 I thought you were on your retreat now. Duh. I’ll be eagerly awaiting your posts about it! P.S. gorgeous flower pics, wow.
I think the deal I’d have with the doll is that if you want a doll that breastfeeds you can just have a doll. Isn’t one of the points of breastfeeding that no specialized equipment or marketed products are required? In our house, no doll bottle has ever lasted any longer than that second sock in the laundry, so I guess they are all breastfed!
Cinde, I said August 8 but I really won’t be there until evening so…soon. Thanks for your patience! And I’m so glad you liked the flowers — I was hoping someone would.
Marie, I think you’ve zeroed in on one of the discomfort points of many. You are very insightful! I do understand the intentions of the manufacturers, though. It will be interesting to see how well they do sales-wise.