The first day at the pool
For the summer —
And I’d forgotten this:
Forgotten how water
Frees your intense spirit,
Beckons you to glide,
To charge forward
To tap the only ocean you know.
I sit here, book on my lap,
Open, ready to take
A dip, too; one into words.
I’ve been waiting
All afternoon for this chance.
Instead, my glance
Stays here, refreshingly fixed
On your perpetual grin.
You’d think the muscles of
Your cherry mouth
Would tire, grow weary
From over-use.
Instead, they’re emboldened,
By your energy,
Your pure delight at this sea
That you claim as yours.
Watching you, my shoulders
Fall, my head reclines.
By absorbing the sight of you
I, too, have been freed.
I let the book drop,
Losing my page, knowing that
Soon you will return
Shivering, ready to curl into me.
Soooo beautiful.
I feel it.
I see it.
I too, have experienced it.
Just wonderful prose.
Oh, I’ll bet you have, and I’m so glad that I was able to revive that memory for you here. We mothers all share so many of the same (if not unique), beautiful memories; thus, we are bonded, even without having met in person. Thanks…
There aren’t many experiences in life that compare to the pure joy of a child. They remind us what life is all about. Beautiful.