Dear Readers,
Hopefully those of you who read yesterday’s post quickly realized the joke of it. I am certainly NOT Mother of the Year by any means, but thought the video was quite clever and wanted to share. I loved the comments by the interviewees. There were some truths in those for sure! Anyway, all in good fun.
I hope you mothers out there are gearing up for a special day tomorrow. Take some time to nurture yourself if possible. My friend, Mary, from Minnesota will be in town briefly today. We’re sneaking away for a Mother’s Day Eve coffee. I’m looking forward to that, as well as to whatever tomorrow brings. I have a couple “don’t peek yet Mom” gifts waiting for me in my van. I think we need to give a whole lot of credit to our kids’ teachers for always doing what they can to make sure our Mother’s Days are special. My kindergartener seems unable to contain himself while he awaits tomorrow and the “surprise” he has in store. He has made a few hints about at least one of the treasures inside. It has something to do with: chocolate. I can’t wait!
Anyway, if you have a few moments, I want to draw your attention to this article my friend Donna Marie wrote for the national publication, Our Sunday Visitor. It’s a Mother’s Day article with a faith slant, and I am among the featured moms. There are some sidebars that won’t be included in this, but I’ll post them tomorrow if I can. Find that reprinted article at Embracing Motherhood. Along with the article, Donna has posted some lovely lilacs as a special touch. You can almost smell them through the computer screen.
Mother’s Day blessings to all of you who nurture souls, whether through tending to your own family, or through your jobs as teachers, nurses, or the multitide of other jobs that call us to use our nurturing skills. We women are all, in one way or another, called to be mothers, and the ways we can carry that out are endless and as unique as each person. It’s all about nurturing the relationships around us.
Peace to you!
Happy Mother’s Day to you! I thought I would drop you some well wishes as you are my first “blog” mommy friend, and a beautiful inspiration to all mothers who happen upon your blog!
Happy Mother’s Day to you dear Roxane!
I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day with your family. I’ll post the sidebars (which includes you) to the article very soon.
God bless and hugs,
Holly and Donna, thanks so much, and ditto back. You both are deserving of a wonderful day filled with loving gestures. Or, at the very least, a nice nap. 🙂