This was one of my proudest moments as a mother to date. In December 2006, my daughters were chosen to sing a duet at our school’s annual Advent program. Being that they were born into a family with musical genes, and knowing how much music has transformed and enriched my own life, it’s hard to describe the joy I felt that evening. Tomorrow night, this event, my favorite of the school year, will take place again. My oldest daughter will be narrator, and my youngest, part of the choir. It will be a night of story, dancing, song and heart. By the end of it, there will be few faces without tears. I will share more about why after the event itself. For now, it was fun for me to pull out a photo from that night two years ago and note how much they’ve changed since then. I look at this photo and think of my sister and I singing our duets for state music competitions all those years ago, and how it bonded us forever. And I think again about the incredible gift of music, especially when it’s shared with a sister. Even if my girls don’t appreciate this now, they will someday, I’m sure of it.
Advent Program Coming
I dug up a journal entry from two years back revealing some of my feelings leading up to that year’s Advent program (see excerpt below). We’ll see how it compares with tomorrow’s experience. Regardless, I can’t wait, not just because of my daughters’ involvement but because several of my friends have been a large part of putting this event together, too, and I know the message of the evening will stir me, as it does every year. Without a doubt, the Christmas season will become more meaningful to me and all those present after tomorrow.
[From 12-11-06]
“Okay, are you ready to sing?” I ask. “I will say 1, 2, 3, and you start.” And so I do, thinking they will hesitate. But they both chime in, instantaneously, perfectly on cue. I am driving my husband’s vehicle, my feet on the floor and hands on the steering wheel, but as their voices sing out, here in the bronco, I feel like my body could very well begin floating. Their sweet, melodic voices, their energy and innocence, engulf me. It fills the car, and it fills my heart, note by note, trickling music juice into my body.
Hey PGM, What a great memory in your journal! However I must confess I did have a momentary flash of Lawerence Welk! 🙂
Was it the “1, 2, 3” that did it? 🙂
Your girls are adorable….you are right to be proud of them.
I have enjoyed your comments. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll admit, I sometimes cringe with the thought that I might be seen as one of those gushing parents who lives vicariously through her children. But that is not why I share these little snippets. I share them because I hope to reflect back some of the feelings all parents have at some point, and in thise case, that it is a beautiful moment to see your child coming into his/her own.
Oh, for cute! I have that velvet dress, that is amazing. I am waiting to be in the Christmas spirit. A couple Christmas carols and live nativity scenes will do it for me.
Why yes of course it was!:)